An old-age people care management web and application system. Provides medical and general assistance for any old-age people who are helpless. Users can book care services from anywhere through the mobile app and the admin can assign assistance through the admin panel. Have live chat access with the care persons and relatives. Emergency services like emergency medical conditions, and emergency residential situations can also be handled by TribeCa Care.
Services provided by TribeCa Care are Medical assistance, nursing care, hospitalization, daily needs, food arrangements, etc. A monthly or yearly subscription is also available.
We developed an Old Age Care Website using Node.js and Angular for API, website, and admin panel development, with MySQL for database management. Figma was utilized to design user-friendly mockups that enhance navigation and accessibility. The project was successfully completed in just 25 days by a dedicated team consisting of 1 project manager, 1 designer, 1 developer, and 1 tester. This website serves as a comprehensive platform for elderly care services, providing essential information, resources, and support, while facilitating easy communication between caregivers and families to ensure a better quality of life for seniors.