Teacher Information Management System (TIMS) is a government project launched by the Department of Education, Government of Meghalaya. TIMS is a comprehensive, centrally web-based application envisaged to capture all information about various teachers working in the state of Meghalaya, either in government or government-aided schools, including SSA schools at primary, upper primary, secondary, and higher secondary schools, and various colleges across the state, by providing information management modules separately for school teachers and college teachers. Moreover, TIMS also has the capability to capture new records of teachers, including attendance records, teacher evaluation (TSAP), school information, a school action plan, and college information.
We developed a Teacher Information Management System using Native Android for mobile applications, CodeIgniter 4 (CI4) for website and API development, and MySQL for the database. Figma was used to design intuitive mockups, ensuring a seamless user experience. The project was completed in 45 days by a dedicated team comprising 1 project manager, 1 designer, 2 developers, and 1 tester. This system enables efficient management of teacher information, offering an easy-to-use interface and robust backend, tailored for educational institutions to streamline data management.